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  • Keep farting. Don't keep it bottled up!

    There is nothing more fulfilling than a fart when you feel the pressure in your stomach building up. Everyone farts at some point. Whether openly or covertly. Now, LADIES, there's no need to be bashful about it. Most women are concerned that it is embarrassing, whereas most men are likely to find it amusing. In many scenarios, it is always a subtle method of brightening the atmosphere. Just don't do it in inopportune settings, such as around the dinner table. Lol. Farting is, after all, as normal as eating and breathing. The medical terminology for what is generally known as farting is flatulence and flatus. (Since this is a health site, take my word for it when I say flatulence.) Passing gas, quiet emission, and breaking the wind are some of the other names for this phenomenon. What makes us fart? We tend to swallow air when we eat, speak, or chew. Furthermore, our bodies produce certain gases as a by-product of digestion. Burping and farting assist in the expulsion of excess air and gas from our bodies. Undigested carbohydrates generate gas because the stomach and small intestine are unable to break them down. Instead, these carbs go to the large intestine, where bacteria begin to digest them, releasing intestinal gas as a result. Undigested carbohydrates include: ● Sugars: such as fructose, raffinose, and sorbitol, are found in some fruit and artificial sweeteners. ● Insoluble fiber: found in root vegetables and wheat bran, amongst other foods. ● Soluble fiber: found in dried beans, nuts, and fruit. ● Starches: such as corn, wheat, and potatoes. Other meals that are known to cause a lot of gas in the intestine include Beans, whole grains, asparagus, broccoli, and cabbage are all high in raffinose. Garlic, onions, cauliflower, and broccoli are examples of high-sulfur foods and beverages. Wine and beer are both rich in sulfur. Sugar alcohol-based goods are sometimes known as "sugar-free" processed foods. Let's have a look at what happens to your body when you fart now that you know why it's necessary: 1.)It relieves discomfort in the abdomen. Of fact, when gas builds up in your stomach, it causes pressure on your abdomen. You may experience a distended stomach as a result of this, as well as severe discomfort. In such a condition, passing gas might provide immediate relief. Do you know that if you keep your fart in or are unable to fart, the gas in your intestines might cause a terrible headache? 2.)It helps to get rid of bloating. Bloating is caused by a combination of water and gas. When you consume a huge meal and don't allow it enough time to digest, this happens. Bloating not only causes a bloated stomach, but it may also be quite uncomfortable. Farting helps you feel much more comfortable by instantly reducing a swelling abdomen (induced by bloating). They are an indicator of food allergies If you have an allergy to a certain food, you may suffer increased gas after eating it. So, if some meals give you gassy, it might be your body's way of telling you to avoid them. 3.)Farts can aid in the detection of colon health issues. If your fart has a peculiar odor, you suffer discomfort when farting, or you fart excessively, it might be an indicator that your stomach isn't working correctly. Gastric difficulties and even constipation might result from this faulty functioning, which can be troublesome in the long term. 4.)Farting aids in the prevention of sickness. When we fart, a small quantity of hydrogen sulfide is released. According to research, if you don't fart, this gas accumulates within your body, causing cell damage, heart difficulties, and even stroke in severe situations. 5.)Helps to keep the diet in check. Do you know that passing gas is a sign that our digestive system is working properly? Different gases are created when different types of food are consumed. If you seldom fart, you should increase your fiber intake; if your fart stinks like hell, you should reduce your fatty food intake. The presence of red flags Despite the fact that everyone farts, some people may have greater issues with intestinal gas than others. Celiac disease: Celiac disease is a disorder in which people are unable to digest gluten. Lactose intolerance: Around 70% of individuals worldwide lack the enzyme that aids in the digestion of milk and milk products. Dairy can cause substantial pain, gas, bloating, and diarrhea in persons who have lactose intolerance. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disorder characterized by stomach discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, and gas. Individuals who believe they may have one of these illnesses should consult a physician for a definitive diagnosis. Over-the-counter commercial enzyme treatments, such as Eno, can help to decrease the formation of intestinal gas in moderate instances. These products, on the other hand, are rarely suited for long-term usage. To treat bloating and gas naturally, a person might eat smaller meals more frequently and drink peppermint tea. Fascinating facts about farts 1. "Fart" is derived from the Old English term "feortan," which meant "to rupture wind." 2. When people are sleeping, they pass more gas. 3. The typical healthy individual generates 0.6–1.8 liters of intestinal gas per day, which amounts to passing gas 12–25 times each day. 4. Only 1% of the gases produced in farts have a foul odor. Gases with a bad odor, such as hydrogen sulfide, are among them. 5. Soaking beans in water overnight can help to lessen the likelihood of their causing farting. Don't keep it bottled up!

  • While house hunting, keep an eye out for the following health standards.

    One of your New Year's resolutions, I'm sure, was to "move into a better apartment/my own home." I took the plunge myself a while back, and I've created a list of resources that may be useful to you in your great attempt. The average adult spends roughly half of their time at home. Children under the age of six spend a lot more time at home and are more vulnerable to domestic dangers. Housing-related elements have the power to either improve or deteriorate our health. As a result, choosing where to stay is a significant decision that should be made only after great consideration. In this essay, I'll talk about how the physical conditions in our homes, the conditions in our neighborhoods, and housing affordability affect our health. What Impact Does Housing Have on Our Health? Healthy living environments promote emotional and physical well-being. For optimal health, you must live in a home that is secure and free of physical dangers. Poor housing, on the other hand, contributes to health problems such as chronic diseases and injuries, as well as having a detrimental impact on children's development. Indoor colds have been linked to a wide range of health issues, including an increased risk of heart disease. Extremely high and low temperatures have been linked to an increase in mortality, especially in high-risk populations such as the elderly. Poor indoor air quality, lead paint, and other hazards are common in many homes, placing families and children at risk for a variety of health problems. Lead poisoning, for example, has an irreversible impact on brain and nervous system development, resulting in reduced mental ability and reading difficulties. Overcrowding in homes has been linked to medical ailments such as respiratory infections and TB, as well as psychological distress in children and adults. Water leaks, inadequate ventilation, filthy carpets, and pest infestations can all increase mold, mites, and other allergens linked to poor health in substandard housing. The Healthy Residential Standards Guidelines What should I keep an eye out for before paying a new home's rent (or mortgage)? You may ask. They are as follows: 1) Site: It should be elevated above the rest of the environment. You should have access to a road for safety and convenience in the event of an emergency. It should be located far away from fly breeding areas such as dumpsites, pools of water, and shrubs. It should be devoid of annoyances such as smoke, odor, excessive noise, and traffic. It should be in a lovely setting with trees and flowers to provide a soothing effect. The soil must be dry and well-drained. During the rainy season, you don't want to be swimming to get to your house. Or maybe you don't. 2) Set back: "Set back" refers to the open space all around the house. Lighting and ventilation should not be obstructed by the setback. 3) Walls: They must be strong, weather-resistant, unsuitable for rat and vermin breeding, long-lasting, and smooth. These standards can be met with a smoothed 9-inch brick wall. 4) The floor must be waterproof, damp-proof, crack-free, and smooth. 5) Floor Space: Depending on the number of occupants, the living room floor space should ideally be at least 50 square feet per person. 6) Roof: If no air conditioning is provided, the roof height should not be less than 10 feet (3 meters). 7) Cubic Space: Unless mechanical air replacement is employed, rooms should be tall enough for each person to have at least 500 cubic feet of air space, ideally 1,000. 8) Lighting: More than half of the floor area should have a daylight factor of more than 1%. 9) Windows: Every living room should have at least two windows, one of which should open directly onto the open space. Windows in living rooms should be situated no higher than 3 feet (1 m) above the floor. One-fifth of the overall floor area should be dedicated to windows. The combined area of the doors and windows should be equal to 2/5th of the floor space. 10) Kitchen: Keep the kitchen clean, dust-free, and smoke-free, as well as well-lit and equipped with water, fuel, and food storage. 11) Water Supply: A safe and sufficient supply of water should be available in the home at all times. Because this is required for basic hygiene such as hand washing, cleaning utensils, and showering. In the Neighborhood, Health, and Safety The physical, economic, and social characteristics of a neighborhood are increasingly being shown to influence short-and long-term health quality and longevity. By providing secure locations for children to play and people to exercise that is devoid of violence, crime, and pollution, a community's qualities can boost health. By giving access to labor opportunities and public services such as security, efficient transportation, and decent schools, socioeconomic conditions in areas can improve health. These opportunities and resources, on the other hand, are not available in every town. The accumulation of substandard housing in marginalized communities exacerbates health disparities based on race and socioeconomic status. The Health Effects of Low-Income Housing It is commonly referred to as "affordable housing" when a family spends less than 30% of their income on housing. Due to a lack of affordable housing, low-income families are usually pushed to inadequate housing in unhealthy, overcrowded ghettos with higher rates of poverty and fewer possibilities for health promotion, such as green spaces, bike lanes, and community centers. Families' ability to meet other essential commitments is harmed by the lack of affordable housing, putting many people in a financial bind. Low-income families are forced to make trade-offs between food and other necessities due to high housing costs. Low-income people who were having difficulties paying their rent, mortgage, or utility bills, according to one study, were less likely to have a regular source of medical care and were more likely to put off obtaining treatment. Given the many ways that a home can affect one's health, I recommend that you focus on the physical quality of housing, neighborhood elements that promote health, and inexpensive housing.

  • Running: What are the advantages of running, how to get started, and how to improve.

    Running has been gaining popularity for decades. Given its training justifications, this isn't surprising: It only necessitates the most basic of tools. It's a workout you can do on your own time and even carry with you when you're not at home (no gym or class times to worry about). It's effective. It can also help you improve your cardiovascular fitness. As a result, when the COVID-19 epidemic closed down gyms and other kinds of group exercise, interest in the sport grew. Depending on the type of running you do, it might be aerobic exercise, anaerobic activity, or a combination of both. Cardiovascular exercise is divided into two types: aerobic and anaerobic. When you conduct an aerobic exercise, your heart rate and oxygen intake remain constant over time (for example, jogging at a consistent speed), but anaerobic activity necessitates rapid bursts of energy at your maximum level of exertion (like in the case of sprinting). Anaerobic running can help you in improving your running performance, especially speed. Why Is Running Beneficial to Your Health? Running provides a number of physical and mental health benefits. Here are a few to keep in mind: ● Mood and energy levels are improved. Running one to two miles can boost mood and energy levels more than meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery, and has a greater impact on participants. ● Improvements in Cardiovascular Health. According to a recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, increasing your running participation, regardless of how frequently you run, is linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular-related mortality. ● Memory, concentration, and task switching are all enhanced. Running increases brain function by producing endocannabinoids, which are biological chemicals that are released into the bloodstream and brain. ● Muscle Strengthening. Although running isn't considered strength training, muscles in your lower body such as your hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps do grow stronger as a result of running. ● Respiratory Functioning is improved. Running is linked to improved cardiovascular and pulmonary performance, as well as mental health benefits because each of these systems receives more oxygen and better blood flow. ● Reduced Risk of Chronic Disease. Running has been linked to improved blood pressure, blood sugar, and bodyweight management. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, it can help you fulfill the recommended goal of 150 minutes of weekly physical activity, which can reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. ● Improved skin quality. The biggest organ in the human body is the skin. As a result, it is critical not only for the protection of internal organs but also for the outflow of numerous poisons from the body via sweat. Running causes you to sweat heavily, which aids in the elimination of toxins that would otherwise gather just beneath the skin surface, giving you healthy, bright skin. To gain the benefits, you don't have to go running every day. Starting with a 10-minute run a few times a week can have a positive impact on your health. Slowly increasing that time by 10% per week can help to increase the benefits in a substantial way without raising the danger of damage. Here's a guide to help you get started, whether you want to run for the heart health benefits, the convenience, or to one day conquer the big 42-kilometer marathon race. Getting Started Walk-jogging is one of the finest ways to get into a running pattern and build the stamina needed to stick to a training schedule. That means doing a brisk walk and then jogging (which is running at a relaxed pace that requires only a low level of exertion) once your body has warmed up, which should take about 10 to 15 minutes. Start with five minutes of jogging if you're comfortable. Then resume walking until breathing becomes easier. Then, if it's comfortable, resume jogging for a brief while before returning to walking. Depending on your fitness level, the length and distance of these intervals will vary, but both should steadily improve over time. The ultimate goal is to be able to run for at least 15 minutes at a comfortable pace at least three times each week. After that, you might want to consider enrolling in a training program to continue your improvement. I propose adopting a running training program that fits your goals and fitness level as a wise technique for increasing your running at the proper pace. Be cautious because the majority of running-related injuries are the result of people doing too much, too soon. Also, as your body is recovering, make sure to incorporate rest days. To give your legs a vacation on those days, I recommend doing some upper-body exercises or yoga. Getting Better Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to getting better at running – that is, getting faster or covering longer distances. This entails progressively increasing the number of days you run, the distance you run, and the speed at which you run. It doesn't follow a one-size-fits-all approach. Each runner must conduct their own research to determine what works best for them. Overtraining (or overexercising) in any sport can result in injury and other health problems. Incorrect form, movement, or posture could suggest that you're overtraining or pushing yourself too hard. If you catch yourself slouching or slumping forward while jogging, it's another sign that you're upping the ante too quickly. All the best as you begin and become better at this new healthy habit.

  • Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Help You Manage Stress.

    The sensation of being under a lot of pressure is known as stress. This stress can originate from a variety of places in our everyday life. Stress is a natural reaction to a number of life circumstances, such as work, family, relationships, and financial challenges. A moderate amount of stress can help us perform better in challenging situations, such as while preparing for a sporting event, a job interview, or an exam, but too much or chronic stress can lead to serious consequences. Stress is thought to have a compounding effect, with each stressor stacking up on top of the previous ones. This might result in lowered body immunity to disease, digestive and intestinal problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or mental health problems like depression. To feel less stressed and enhance your productivity, use these five simple methods to manage your everyday habits: Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. When your body is healthy, your mind usually follows suit and vice versa. Vitamins like A, B complex, C, and E help your body deal with stress more efficiently, which is why nutrition is so important. Physical activity is a great stress reliever and can help you improve your overall quality of life. Take a deep breath. When a person is stressed, their breathing rhythm alters. A frightened person breathes quickly and shallowly, propelling air into and out of their lungs through their shoulders rather than their diaphragm. Shallow hyperventilation, often known as shallow over-breathing, can intensify anxiety feelings by worsening physical stress symptoms. Controlling your breathing can help to lessen these feelings. When you're feeling anxious, try square breathing: four seconds in, four seconds hold, four seconds out, four seconds hold, repeat the procedure twice more. In just a minute, you can stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, which will help you feel less worried. Make connections with people. Human beings are social creatures. To feel supported, you must have physical ties with others. Finding a sense of belonging, whether at work, in a religious group, or through shared interests like organized sports, is critical to your happiness. By participating in a common activity, you can build a support system and form relationships that can be beneficial in difficult times. Keep track of how much time you spend on social media. Using social media is unavoidable in today's world, but spending more time on such platforms has been shown to raise FOMO and feelings of inadequacy, sadness, and loneliness. As a result, these emotions have a negative impact on our mood and aggravate sadness, anxiety, and stress symptoms. Spending time on social media could be better spent visiting and physically talking with friends, being outside and enjoying the weather, or reading a good book. Increase the quantity and quality of your sleep. A regular sleep pattern helps the body relax and repair improves focus, regulates moods, and sharpens judgment and decision-making abilities. You're a better problem solver and can handle stress better when you're well-rested. Start relaxing an hour or two before night by listening to calming music, reading a relaxing book, or using relaxation techniques such as meditation. Get Help It's crucial to remember that seeking expert help is entirely acceptable. Long-term stress has an impact on the heart, immunological and metabolic function, and brain hormones, all of which can lead to physical and mental illness. Some of the behavioral and emotional symptoms of stress resemble those of mental illnesses including depression and anxiety. You don't have to wait until it's too late to seek help if you're having trouble handling things on your own. It's critical to realize that you can obtain aid right away and that you are entitled to good health. Several specialized services, such as counseling and other conversational therapies, provide a variety of treatments.

  • Is An Existential Crisis The Leading Cause Of Suicide Among Young Graduates?

    Why are so many young males committing suicide? In less than a month, I've heard of young, educated, and employed graduates committing suicide. In all of these situations, they left suicide letters that showed signs of distress, but they appeared joyful, optimistic, and eager to conquer life. The messages they leave, which allude to an existential crisis or a loss of meaning in life, exacerbate the situation. What does it mean to be in the midst of an existential crisis? Almost everyone is affected by anxiety, despair, and stress at some point in their lives. People who are experiencing negative emotions may feel despondent and question their role in the world. An existential crisis is a term used to describe this situation. It's a lack of direction in life, a sense that there are no ambitions, no chances to make a difference, only the endless cycle of being human, of being born, going to school, obtaining a job, getting married, and dying. Many young people believe this is a recurrence of events, and they lack the desire to live, leading them to commit suicide. Despite the fact that many people are oblivious to it, the situation is deteriorating. Younger people under the age of 25 are more likely than older adults to commit suicide. Dissatisfaction with self- My ambition at university was to make a million dollars by the age of 30. After graduating from high school, I began looking for work. My first monthly salary was 10,000 Kenyan shillings. I had to work for more than 100 months to earn the million I want. Though it appears to be realistic and feasible, the truth is quite different. I had to pay rent, transportation, food, clothing, and feed my family with my Ksh 10,000. As a result, becoming a millionaire with 10,000 Kenya shillings salary per month was not just a pipe dream, but also an impossibility. Feeling dissatisfied in social situations. When people begin to ponder what life means and what their or the world's purpose is, they may experience an existential crisis. Understanding one's temperament, how they deal with problems, how they react to disappointment, how they relate to others, and what they require can all assist a person to avoid suicide ideation. Lack of answers can cause internal tension, leading to irritation and a loss of inner delight. Where does the assistance come from? Seek assistance. Due to discrimination and community scorn, those suffering from mental illness are always ashamed to express their worries with people they know, including friends, family, and neighbors. In Africa, mental illness is linked to witchcraft, curses, and other taboo social beliefs. Replace pessimistic thoughts with positive ones to regain control of your thinking. Government and private-sector mental health professionals should work together to create a network of mental health caregivers who can anonymously offer guidance and are conveniently accessible. Many people like to be identified with success and accomplishments, and they hide their failures or disappointments. As a result, sharing anonymously can make people feel more at ease and secure in seeking mental health care.

  • Getting Tested For Allergies Is The Greatest Way To Protect Yourself.

    Did you know that seven out of ten people have a runny nose, two out of every three schoolchildren have respiratory problems, and one out of every two adults has skin rashes? Allergy is a disorder of the immune system that causes a negative reaction to typically harmless elements in our surroundings. A hypersensitivity disease of the immune system is a reaction that the immune system produces that is undesired. Allergy is a medical disease in which a person becomes ill after eating, touching, or breathing something that does not ordinarily cause illness in other people. An allergen is a chemical that triggers a reaction. Common symptoms of an allergy include: · Itchy eyes · Watery eyes · Sneezing · Nose itch · Runny nose · Rashes/hives · Coughing · Swelling Allergy Causes Food Allergies Food Allergy is a condition in which someone is allergic to certain foods. When the immune system reacts to particular proteins in food, it causes food allergies. Food allergies can be blamed on soybeans, peanuts, milk, wheat, eggs, fish, shellfish such as crab, crayfish, lobster, and shrimp, tree nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and pecans, etc. Environmental Environmental allergies are caused by the immune system's reactivity to things found in our daily lives, such as homework and the great outdoors. Environmental allergens are substances in our environment to which you can develop an allergic reaction. Pollen, which is discharged into the air by trees, grasses, and weeds, or pet dander, which consists of skin cells and proteins that all animals naturally shed, or pet saliva, are examples of causes of environmental allergies. Drugs Any medication, whether over-the-counter, prescription, or herbal, has the potential to cause an unexpected immunological reaction known as a drug allergy. Allergy to medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, chemotherapeutic treatments, monoclonal antibodies, anti-seizure drugs, and ACE inhibitors is common. Age-related allergy Due to exposure to new allergens in the environment, family history, and changes in the immune system, age-related allergies might appear out of nowhere. Food allergies to peanuts, fish, almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, and shellfish such as shrimp and lobster may occur in adulthood. Changes in the environment, such as climate, pollution, dietetics, and delivery methods, may result in allergy reactions ranging from mild irritation to severe life-threatening illnesses. Getting Examined Preventing allergic reactions necessitates testing for the source of allergic disorders. Allergy testing has several advantages, including the ability to find a precise treatment solution, identify the allergens that cause allergic responses, develop a manageable diet, assist in making responsible decisions, take control of your environment, and thus avoid serious repercussions. Symptom-based, age-based, environmental, food, geographical, and drug-related allergies are all examples of medical laboratory tests that can be used to investigate allergy-related diseases. For medical laboratory tests, such as allergies, contact Afya Bora Afrika at +254712481874 in Nairobi, Kenya.

  • How Can You Tell Whether You're At Risk For Diabetes?

    Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition marked by high blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels, which can cause catastrophic damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves over time. In Kenya, two out of every five people are likely to develop type 2 diabetes, but early detection of the risk can help prevent future diabetes complications through proper nutrition and exercise. There are laboratory tests that can be used to determine if you have a future risk of having diabetes. Test for Blood Sugar Levels This test is used to determine how much glucose is present in your body. When fasting or after a meal, it can be measured. Glucose levels are measurements of the quantity of glucose in your body compared to the amount required at a given time. The ability of your body to process glucose is determined by whether the teat is done while fasting or after a meal. This test should be performed frequently. Order your glucometer on Afya Bora Afrika. HBA1c Glycated hemoglobin, also known as A1c or HbA1c, is created when glucose binds to hemoglobin. The more glucose there is in the blood, the more hemoglobin there is. Before being replaced, red cells last for 8 to 12 weeks. You can find out how high the glucose in your blood has been in the last 8 to 12 weeks by measuring HbA1c. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) strongly recommends this test. The HBA1c test is a greater predictor of the risk of complications than the fasting and PP blood sugar tests, making it a crucial predictor of the risk of problems. Levels of adiponectin Adiponectin is an anorexigenic peptide that improves whole-body insulin sensitivity and increases energy expenditure by stimulating glucose absorption in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. It is essential in the prevention of insulin resistance, diabetes, and atherosclerosis (the buildup of fats, cholesterol, or other substances on artery walls). Reduced adiponectin levels in humans are thought to play a key role in the development of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Low adiponectin levels are linked to future diabetes, gestational diabetes, and coronary artery disease. Patients with low adiponectin levels are nine times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, three times more likely to develop metabolic syndrome, and two times more likely to develop coronary artery disease. The HOMA Index Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) is a method of assessing B cell function & insulin resistance (IR) from fasting glucose and insulin or C peptide concentrations. It is an independent predictor of type 2 diabetes and a diagnostic criterion for insulin resistance. Insulin helps the uptake of glucose into muscles and other cells. Insulin resistance is indicated by a high HOMA Index. If you need any of these tests, contact Afya Bora Afrika on for prices and laboratory connectivity.

  • Why Is Kenyan Healthcare So Expensive?

    When faced with larger personal expenses, researchers discovered that people forego therapy indiscriminately, regardless of whether it has a high or low benefit. The Price of Medicine Is Increasing High medicine prices are the single largest source of patient expenditures in Africa. To safeguard individuals with recurrent or chronic conditions like cancer and diabetes who may require long-term medication, the government should develop policies that control drug pricing based on the clinical benefit of the medication. To ensure that pharmaceuticals are available and inexpensive to the public, the government should negotiate drug costs with manufacturers, importers, and distributors. To prevent families from falling into poverty, a more effective medicine subsidy procedure that regulates pricing, either through government funding support or patient subsidies, should be introduced. Hospitals are profit-making enterprises. Private hospitals have raised fees for inpatient and outpatient hospital services considerably faster than the insurance industry can keep up with. For inpatients and outpatients, the majority of private hospitals in Kenya charge more than the NHIF guidelines. The government has the potential to affect private hospital pricing and treatment costs based on a patient's capacity to see specialists or seek more expensive treatments. Although consumers may have fewer options, cost reduction can assist everyone in the community have better access to health care. Systems Create Waste Overtreatment, improper pricing, failure in healthcare coordination or delivery, administrative complexity, and fraud and abuse are all examples of waste created by several systems. Excess medical spending is primarily caused by administrative costs. The Kenyan healthcare system is exceedingly complicated, with distinct rules, funding, enrollment dates, and out-of-pocket fees for employer-based insurance, private insurance, and government insurance, all of which cover the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) in its various forms. For providers, employing health insurance entails complying with a plethora of rules including hospital acceptance of the insurance coverage, asking clearance prior to service delivery, and billing. These operations account for the majority of administrative expenditures, resulting in higher premiums for the insured. Individual healthcare spending can be reduced with better consumer education on health awareness and preventative health. The cost varies a lot. In Kenya, the system's complexity, the lack of defined prices for medical services and providers (private health providers are allowed to charge whatever the market will bear), and the government's negligence in enforcing laws and price limits have led to greater patient abuse. Treatment and drug prices should be recognized by all health stakeholders, including commercial and public sector politicians, and diverse measures to decreasing treatment costs should be considered. Transparency in healthcare pricing for patients can aid the sector's development of a more logical and equitable economic structure. Price transparency offers policymakers and analysts useful data from large data sets, allowing them to better understand the current system and evaluate policy changes for future health. Over-reliance on imported health products Kenya produces an extremely limited number of medical items. The majority of medical supplies and consumables are imported, as are over 90% of important medications, laboratory and radiology instruments, diagnostic kits, and the majority of medical supplies and consumables. Due to logistical constraints, the importation of medical items has resulted in higher rates for services and products, as well as a delay in service delivery.

  • Health Is Wealth. Invest In Your Health.

    Living a healthy lifestyle is one approach to prevent diseases. You have a better chance of living a long, healthy, and productive life if you take an active role in your health. Investing in your health means learning about the healthcare system and figuring out how to spend your time and money more wisely to improve your health and well-being. Investing in yourself is always a good idea. Maintain regular check-ups. You are the one who can make the biggest impact on your health by having annual physical exams with your health provider. As you plan for the future, make sure you have enough security now. Consult your health provider on a regular basis to learn about the nutrition your body requires the most, what form of exercise is best for you, how to take self-care to the next level, and other topics. Join a fitness program Your lifestyle choices have more of an impact on your health and longevity than anything else. Reducing your lifestyle risks not only protects you from long-term disease but can save you from catastrophic injury or death. Join a gym or fitness program that is available, whether it is cheap or expensive, home training, sports club, or a workout plan that elevates your heart rate as much as you are comfortable. Blood tests According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 70% of diseases are preventable, which means that more than 980,000 people die each year as a result of a preventable disease. Complete blood counts, renal or kidney function tests, liver function tests, lipid panels, and sexually transmitted disease tests should all be performed on a regular basis to monitor your body's functions. You need to take advantage of cheap and subsidized health check packages when going for checkups. Health check packages are usually cheaper than individual tests and can provide a wider and more customized panel that is important to you. Health Insurance A strong health insurance plan can lead to a better overall health experience, a more collaborative connection with your health care providers, and, ultimately, better health outcomes. To maintain or improve your health, you will need not only to make smart lifestyle choices, but also support and assistance. Don't get too worked up about the prospect of becoming ill in the future. If you have health insurance, you may rest easy knowing that you will be compensated financially in the event of severe or minor essential illnesses, allowing you to live your best life. Make sure you and your family are protected. Be active in your health matters. Take an active role in your own health. Participate in medical camps and campaigns; learn about developing diseases and how to prevent them. Be your health guide. Don't let sickness guide you.

  • Is This The Opportune Moment In Kenya To Relax Covid-19 Restrictions?

    The worst pandemic of our time has been Covid-19. The pandemic has had an economic and health impact on everyone in the community. However, many argue that the time has come to relax all Covid-19 limitations in Kenya. But why is that? Enhanced awareness Misconceptions regarding the Coronavirus have been dispelled thanks to public awareness programs that encourage people to wash their hands frequently and wear masks. Everyone knows about Covid-19 now, from schoolchildren to seniors as far away as Mount Elgon. In society, illness prevention methods such as wearing a mask, washing hands, and keeping a safe distance from one another have become commonplace. The general public is familiar with Covid-19's cause, symptoms, prevention, and treatment system. Increased Covid-19 awareness has aided in the prevention of the infection's spread, lowering hospitalization and mortality rates across the country. Despite the community's gradual disregard for the Covid-19 guidelines, general awareness of the hazards and consequences is estimated to be at about 80%. Reduced transmission rate Covid-19 mitigation strategies rely heavily on human behavior. Acceptance of mitigation strategies that increase personal and community safety, such as physical separation and wearing a mask for COVID-19, as well as a willingness to learn, unlearn, try, fail, and improve, have all contributed to a lower transmission rate. The new infection rate in the country has been less than 5% on average. This is an encouraging trend, as it indicates a low transmission rate and, as a result, fewer Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths. Hand washing and sanitizing stations have been erected in schools, hotels, public offices, and churches as a result of improved awareness, lowering the transmission rate. Increased rate of recuperation Due to first responders and enhanced medical service delivery, the recovery rate has increased. The greater recovery rate has also been ascribed to increasing testing rates and shorter turnaround times for results, which has resulted in early treatment and recovery. Patient outcomes have also improved as a result of increased awareness among healthcare practitioners about how to manage the disease. The huge number of young individuals in Africa has also shown to be a key element in lowering hospitalization rates and assisting public health officials in managing the pandemic. Vaccination has been increased. Coronavirus vaccines have been found to protect against severe sickness caused by the virus. Currently, more than 5 million people in the country have been vaccinated against Covid-19. Vaccination uptake has also increased as a result of fewer vaccine myths and disinformation. Despite the fact that most people are vaccinated because it is required by their jobs, the general public's fear of the Coronavirus vaccine is gradually decreasing. To boost vaccination intake in the country's total communities, public education in rural areas and the informal sector is required. A marginally better healthcare sector More than half of Kenya's counties had no ICU beds a year ago, but now all level five county hospitals have at least one or more ICU beds. The situation has improved as a result of improvements in hospital capacity, service delivery, specialty, and general awareness. The availability of quick laboratory testing kits, inpatient beds, and oxygen has aided in the intensification of Covid-19 mitigation efforts at county hospitals, resulting in improved treatment delivery and fewer referrals.


    Type 2 diabetes affects up to 95% of patients with diabetes. Millions of Africans are at risk, making this the most serious health issue of our time. Physical inactivity, bad diets, cigarette use, dangerous alcohol intake, being overweight or obese, rising age, and family history are all risk factors for Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can be substantially avoided by engaging in regular physical activity and eating a nutritious diet. Type 1 diabetes affects people of all ages, races, sizes, and shapes, but with the help of insulin therapy and other therapies, anyone may learn to manage their illness and live a long and healthy life. The Mirror of Diabetes and the Ladder to a Healthy Life include: Risk assessment: Diabetes is a chronic condition that arises when the pancreas fails to make enough insulin, which regulates blood sugar, or when the body is unable to use the insulin that is produced. Type 1 diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin production and requires daily insulin injections; type 2 diabetes is caused by the body's poor utilization of insulin. Gestational diabetes is a disorder that develops during pregnancy and increases the chance of developing type 2 diabetes in the future. It's critical to get regular screenings if you come from a family with a high risk of diabetes. You are at risk if; 1. You are 45 years old or older. 2. You have a diabetic parent, brother, or sibling. 3. You are obese or overweight. 4. You do not engage in any physical activity. 5. You have high blood pressure or take blood pressure medication. 6. You were diabetic during your pregnancy. Early detection is crucial. Diabetes must be detected early for patients' treatment and well-being to be maximized. Diabetic retinopathy, kidney failure, heart attacks, strokes, and lower-limb amputations are all common complications of diabetes. As a result, early detection is critical for patient treatment and well-being. Early identification is critical for managing Type-2 diabetes in children and adolescents aggressively from the start, employing all known ways to manage blood glucose and avoid, delay, or aggressively treat growing problems. Anyone who has been diagnosed with prediabetes should be examined at least once a year. Diagnoses Many people believe that diabetes only affects the elderly, yet it affects people of all ages, including children, adolescents, teenagers, persons in their early twenties, and the elderly. According to studies from the University Of Colorado School Of Medicine, the ability to control or regulate sugar levels in young persons diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes reduces significantly over time; thus, a timely and accurate diagnosis is essential to avoid diabetes-related problems. Patients diagnosed with diabetes at a later stage of their disease have a high risk of developing serious complications and are at a high risk of mortality. Monitoring Diabetes can be controlled, but not cured. You must monitor your blood sugar daily, use insulin, and maintain a balanced diet. Families can provide social support by encouraging a family member with diabetes to take their medicine as prescribed, to attend follow-up appointments on time, and to live a healthy lifestyle that includes eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. Assessment of complications Heart disease, renal disease, diabetic foot, and vision issues are all complications of diabetes. Regular screening and monitoring are critical for preventing disease development and treating additional diabetes-related problems. According to findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine, people with Type-2 diabetes who were diagnosed when they were young have a high risk of developing complications related to the condition at a young age, so a complication assessment should be conducted to evaluate any risks and assist in providing a better solution.


    Personalized vaccines Cancer vaccines are a type of immunotherapy that aims to teach the immune system how to recognize and eliminate cancer cells. Vaccines have been shown to be beneficial in preventing viral and bacterial illnesses. Each person's tumor is distinct in some way and has its own set of antigens. Personalized vaccinations will only be expressed by tumor cells and not by healthy cells in the patient. Immune responses could be directed precisely towards patients' tumor cells with vaccinations, protecting their healthy cells from immune attack and thus preventing side effects. Health Trackers and Sensors The future of disease prevention will be the employment of a body chip that can check your body temperature, cell disinformation, and any other irregularity. The chip will be directly linked to your phone and your doctor's phone, and it will provide you with fast notifications if your cell structure changes. The research is still in its infancy, with a designer attempting to construct cell marker sensors that can detect cancer early on. Health sensors and trackers for breathing, sleep, and movement, as well as new data processing and reporting, will provide sufficient information on an individual's health pattern, making disease detection and prevention easier. Genomics Researchers have already utilized gene editing to make mosquitos that are almost completely resistant to the malaria parasite. The female is fertilized by a genetically modified mosquito, which then produces male eggs. Because only female Anopheles mosquitoes transmit the plasmodium that causes malaria, this breakthrough will allow for comprehensive malaria control at a low cost and with no environmental impact. The project is currently being evaluated in Kenya, Botswana, Nigeria, and Uganda, with promising results. We eagerly anticipate a malaria-free Africa. Nanotechnology In Africa, diabetes is the most frequent noncommunicable disease. Diabetes must be detected early to be treated and cured as quickly as possible. Future innovation promises to build a microchip that will measure daily sugar levels in persons at risk and provide mapping and a sugar metabolism framework that will offer appropriate data for sugar management before the outset of the disease for easy control with food rather than medicine. The technology is still in the testing phase, but the results have already helped patients throughout the world better their health. 3D bioprinting Researchers and healthcare practitioners can use bioprinters and bioprinting materials to create ready-to-print or use models for 3D cell culture, personalized medicine, and improved therapies. The breakthrough technology will be used to print liver, cartilage, skin, and even fully functional cancer tumors, which will subsequently be utilized to develop novel cancer treatments. Health Marketing Health Marketing is a novel method that incorporates science-based preventive, promotion and protection strategies into classic marketing ideas and principles. Afya Bora Afrika is a health marketing and connection platform. Because the future relies on technology for quick access and service delivery, Afya Bora Afrika is designed to provide individuals in both urban and rural locations with easy access to all health issues. Afya Bora Afrika will improve health education, awareness, and link clients to recognized and certified health practitioners through the internet of things. People will be able to take care of their health and wellbeing thanks to health education and awareness provided through the internet and social media platforms.

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