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Male circumcision is an elective procedure performed on a healthy adolescent boy or man. Circumcision started long ago, traced back from Moses in the bible. In Africa, circumcision is a rite of passage and has lots of significance in developing from a boy to a man. Circumcision in Africa culture is normally done during teenagehood, to enable the young men to understand the root of their culture and values of being a man in the society. But modern circumcision has redefined the culture by allowing young children to undergo circumcision.

Modern circumcision has improved the process by allowing the surgical process to be undertaken by trained and qualified health providers. Modern circumcision has helped reduce the chances of infection spread and reduce the healing time. It is less painful to the child and the healing duration is short. Modern circumcision is less expensive compared to the traditional methods which required a big ceremony, feasting, and celebrations all month long.

What to Consider in the Male Circumcision Decision

1. The circumcision specialist should have competence in basic surgical skills and proper training in basic surgical skills.

2. Make sure the necessary supplies, equipment, and other resources for providing safe, appropriate services, and managing any adverse events examples bandages are available.

3. Allow enough time for observation and monitoring to stop bleeding during and after the procedure as recommended by your health provider.

4. Make sure the material such as bandages and cloths used are clean to prevent infections

5. The house and bedding cleanliness and safety should be maintained to reduce the chance of the sterile area becoming contaminated.

6. Have an experienced older person or a trained assistant to help keep the surgery safe and reduces stress if there is any difficulty with the procedure.


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