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After having a long busy day, and you feel hungry and just want some good meal, well-prepared, with the right ingredients, hot and delicious, home-cooked food is always the solution. Most hotel local eateries and deliveries offer little, worst prepared food and very expensive food. Food poisoning is the worst experience for anyone on earth and the best solution is to prepare your food with your best recipe, the right ingredients, and of the required quantity for you and your family. Food is important, it revitalizes the mind, body, and soul. It is important to eat home-prepared food to avoid disappointments and being angry since a hungry man is an angry man.

Home-cooked food is safe

When preparing food at home, you need to go to the grocery and buy the ingredients, vegetables, fruits, and other necessities. Groceries shopping allows checking and making sure food is neither expired nor contaminated. After stocking for the grocery, it is good to wash the vegetables and fruits before eating or cooking because it helps in removing contaminants that cause infections. It is easy to control food allergens at home because you can choose carefully the right ingredients for you.

It is cheaper

It is cheaper to buy and prepare your food than to eat in hotels, fast food restaurants, or local eateries. In Kenya, A family of three people can afford vegetables, eggs, and maize flour for enough supper for only Ksh 100, but one person cannot be satisfied when eating food worth the same amount at the local eateries. If you cook at home, you can set a monthly budget for groceries shopping, shop seasonally, or at the local farmers market to minimize cost while making sure the quality vegetables, fruits, and other requirements are maintained. You can control the food portion at home and store the remaining food to minimize wastage and reduce expenses.

Home-cooked food is clean

At home, it is easy to control hygiene and food safety. How can you be sure the food you are eating in the hotel if was cleaned before cooking? You can wash your hands carefully before preparing and serving meals to prevent contamination and reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. Before preparing vegetables and fruits, cleaning and counterchecking are done to ensure suitability before use to prevent infections spread due to cross-contamination. Most of the local eateries lack the basic health measure strategies and food contamination is high, resulting in typhoid, H pylori, and other gastrointestinal infections. Houseflies are common in hotels and local eateries than at home. Houseflies can result in infection spread and food contamination, resulting in diseases such as cholera that can lead to death. Avoid picking food from Vibandas and local eateries are the leading cause of foodborne illnesses.

Home-cooked Food is Healthy

Mom food is always the best, because it is well-prepared, with your favorite ingredients, and comes in the right measure that soothes your heart. Preparing food at home gives a chance for eating a balanced diet by eating organic products and reducing the preservatives. You can eat different fruits, vegetables, pasta, meat, and even make customized recipes with ease at home. A home diet timetable is a beautiful style of ensuring your diet is monitored and eating a balanced diet.

Home-cooked food is Nutritious

At home, food is prepared with love, happiness, and positive anxiety because you are hungry and ready to eat. The food is nutritious because it is prepared with the desired recommendation, and you can easily control and customize your recipe for your desired test. The ability to customize your recipe help improve test and reduce preservatives for a more nutritional value. Home-prepared food is always served and eaten whole, but most hotels and eateries overcook or refrigerate their food, ending up being tasteless and less nutritious.

It is fun to prepare food

Food preparation is an art. Learning more about new recipes is exciting and fun for life and helps improve mental health. Reading recipes, magazines about food and attempting new recipes is entertaining, insightful and helps discover new cooking styles, different flavors, and health benefits of varieties of food available. Preparing food with your wife, husband, children, friends or relative is a good moment for bonding and learning too.

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