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Are You getting enough vitamin D?

Updated: Aug 5, 2021

It is estimated 40%-75% of people are Vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D is produced in the body in response to sun exposure. Vitamin D can also be acquired through certain foods and nutritional supplements. Vitamin D is not abundant in our food choices and the sun is not a reliable source for everyone. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the gut and maintains adequate serum calcium and phosphate concentrations to enable normal bone mineralization and to prevent the involuntary contraction of muscles that leads to cramps and spasms.

Vitamin D is important in:

  • Promoting healthy bones and teeth

  • Supporting immune, brain, and nervous system health

  • Glucose metabolism by regulating insulin levels and supporting diabetes management

  • Supporting lung function and cardiovascular health

  • Influencing the expression of genes involved in cancer development

  • Reduction of inflammation as well as modulation of such processes as cell growth.

Sources of vitamin D:

· Sufficient sunlight exposure of about 15-20 minutes three days per week.

· Fish example Salmon and Tuna fish

· Egg yolks

· Broccoli, carrots, Apple, Banana

· Beef Liver

· Mushrooms

· Fortified Milk

· Fortified cereals and juices

· Chicken Breast

· Cod Liver Oil

Causes of vitamin D Deficiency:

· Cystic fibrosis, Crohn's disease, and celiac disease

· Weight loss surgeries

· Obesity

· Kidney and liver diseases

· Medications such as laxatives, seizure control drugs, and cholesterol-lowering drugs.

· Other factors such as age, mobility, skin color, and human breast milk.

Prevention of Vitamin D deficiency:

· Eating foods that contain vitamin D

· Getting exposure to sunshine

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